The UK and US have raised their concerns regarding Russia sharing nuclear technology with Iran in exchange for missiles to be used in Ukraine.
The UK and US are growingly concerned that Russia is sharing secret information with Iran that could bring to build nuclear weapons.
This was a hot topic during a meeting between UK Labour leader Keir Starmer and US President Joe Biden in Washington, DC. The growing military cooperation between two countries, Russia and Iran made an alarm for the UK and US.

Since Iran is advancing its Uranium enrichment, it can be a major step towards developing a nuclear weapon. British officials believe that Iran may be trading nuclear secrets because it has a closer relationship with Moscow.
The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, warned that Russia is sharing nuclear and space technology with Iran. It may speed up Iran’s ability to make a nuclear bomb.
According to Blinken, this partnership may create more instability around the globe.
The uranium stockpile of Iran has increased vastly, worrying Western nations. In a 2015 deal, Iran has agreed to stop making nuclear weapons and bombs.
However, Iran broke those terms after the US, under President Donald Trump, pulled out of the agreement in 2018.
According to a joint statement of the British, France, and Germany, Iran has accumulated “four significant quantities” of uranium that might be used to make a nuclear bomb.

However, it remains unclear how soon Tehran could achieve its goal, as reported by the Guardian.
These concerns have increased anxiety in the Middle East, especially in Israel. Iran supports militant groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah. Israel sees the nuclear activities of Iran as a direct threat.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Russia and Iran have come closer. Iran has offered drones to Russia and currently delivered fath-360 missiles to Moscow. this could lead to more attacks in Ukranian cities.
During the Washington meeting, the leaders also discussed providing Ukraine with Storm Shadow missiles.
The UK and France have agreed to send those missiles to Ukraine. However, they need US approval because the missiles contain American-made parts.
The G7 is made up of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The US, the UK, and Canada.
The ministers said in a statement that Iran must immediately cease all support to Russia’s illegal and unjustified war against Ukraine.
They also added that Iran should halt supplying ballistic missiles to Russia, UAVs, and related technology. These may be a direct threat to the Ukrainian people as well as European and international security more broadly.