Being part of a growing business can be extremely exciting. Things will be moving in so many directions that you get a sense of dynamism, but this does mean that you have to make your decisions carefully.
The solutions that you choose to implement now will need to scale with your business as it grows, and it’s far easier to build this in from the very beginning than to do so retroactively at a later date.
Focusing on key management solutions, in particular, these are a few options you may want to consider for your growing business.
Electronic key control cabinets
When choosing a key control solution, it’s important to use a more advanced solution from the very beginning.
Instead of just hooking keys on nails on a wooden board and hoping for the best, it’s worth investing in an electronic key management cabinet.
These solutions from providers like KEYper Systems allow for effective key access management and also facilitate key tracking.
Each key is locked into the cabinet and tagged, meaning that as your business grows, you won’t need to worry about getting a more secure solution later on.
Digital key control
While key cabinets are useful for analogue keys, you may need an entirely different approach when it comes to digital key control.
Whether that’s a way of tracking passwords or a system to wipe fobs and electronic keycards when not being used, you must have a system in place to deal with these kinds of access control solutions.
Again, which one you choose to go with will depend on the digital systems you have in place, and you must match the management solution to your business’s actual needs.
Access control
While a lot of key management solutions can facilitate a higher level of access control, this doesn’t just happen all on its own.
You need to use the data that these solutions provide you with access to so that you can gain a better long-term perspective on a range of different access issues.
Whether that’s having a logbook integrated into another system so that you can see who has a key at any point in time, or a way of wiping electronic keycards remotely to limit access, you must consider the impact your solution will have on access control.
Compliance questions
When choosing a key management solution, it’s important to make sure that you’re keeping in line with the relevant regulations.
Whether those are regulations that cover access to medication cabinets or heavy machinery, you need to choose a solution that fits your legal needs.
The exact solutions that your growing business needs will depend on a wide range of factors, but whatever you choose, you need to factor in an ability to scale.
As your business grows, so will your key management needs, and it’s far easier to choose a solution that will scale now than it will be to change it at a later date.