According to residents, an East Yorkshire village has become a ‘village of poison’. A set of anonymous letters has been sent to a village and the town turned into turmoil.
The residents of Shiptonthorpe, who are spending their days and nights in tension, are skyrocketing due to vulgar letters creating the ‘village of poison’.
Residents are claiming that they have been terrorized through their letterboxes for two years. The awful letters have been sent by mysterious writers, and are described as being personal, targeted, and obscene.
One woman from Shiptonthorpe, Yorkshire has revealed that she had received her first letter in December 2022. At that time, she was in the process of becoming a ward councillor.
She expressed that she was completely astonished when she opened the letter and saw the content of it. She said that it was vile, and she ripped that up, and she could not believe where that had come from. She also added that she had no idea why she had received that.
Although she had destroyed the letter, the woman declared that the accusations made in that had stuck with her.
She said that that was accusing her of what you could call being a loose woman.
The upset woman reported the letter to the local police and she was given safety advice.
Shortly, after receiving the letter, her partner also started receiving such letters that urged him to be ‘honest’ with himself. The letter also urged him to stop his girlfriend from roaming.
The letter was signed: “From a caring deal friend”.
He expressed that after receiving the letters, he became scared for his girlfriend’s safety. He added that he was worried that anybody might approach his partner because he didn’t know who else knew this letter.
Another resident of that village received a letter from the poison pen writer, which said, ” I hope cancer finds you”.
Jason, who lives in that village but didn’t receive any letter, explained that it felt like a cloud of vitriol had fallen over the village. The villager also added that people had moved away because of the poison letters.
He said that the village was a wonderful village with wonderful people, but someone had brought poison to the village.
Humberside police had been carrying out inquiries into some of the incidents, involving looking out the CCTV footage, but are yet failure to find out who is behind these poison letters.